Wednesday 20 June 2012

Idea #2 - 'The Weyland-Yutaniverse'

Just another small idea, probably not very solid.

As a pretty big fan of the Alien film series, I've spent a lot of time wondering certain things which remain unexplained in the series, and even in Prometheus.

One question which has always plagued audiences is the true intentions or existing powers behind the name 'Weyland-Yutani Corp'.
Over the years various clues have been dropped, and the basic understand has been placed that the corporation, very fitting of the Sci-Fi genre in the 70's and 80's, is a mysterious figure or body of people which seems to watch over us and what we are doing, almost always with malicious intent.

Warning: SPOILERS coming up

In Prometheus, we meet Peter Weyland, founder of Weyland Industries, and learn about his yearning to reach out into the stars and find the creators of humanity. This is his sole mission, and he dies in the process of discovery, but something is left unanswered in this; over the next 30 years, how did Weyland's company merge with the name Yutani, and more importantly, at which point did they discover the Xenomorphs and decide to harness them by 'accidentally' picking one up via means of the Nostromo and its unknowing crew?

Some evidence can be found in the final scene of Alien vs Predator: Requiem, when an agent brings a recovered Predator weapon to a sinister-looking businesswoman called Mrs Yutani. Of course, Ridley Scott has stated, regardless of the quality of the 'AVP' series, the events which take place in them are still fan fiction, and not to be considered when studying this cinematic universe.

I feel that this might be an interesting area to study, simply because it's something that interests me personally, and I feel there are certain things that most Alien fans will agree is worth exploring.

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